The beginning of a new year can make many of us go into goal-creation mode. We create goals that have to do with health, business, career, school, travel, and much more. But, what about family? Did you create a goal to invest more time with family in 2019? If you did (or if you didn't), then read more to find out how Juanita's House Cleaning can help you enjoy more quality time with your loved ones!
First of all, let me begin by explaining what I mean when I say "investing" more time with your family, rather than "spending". I am sure that we are all well aware that time is a limited commodity. You see, I changed my perspective a while ago when it came to viewing the time "spent" with my family. I now see time with family as an investment. Why? Well, because the more quality time I invest with my family today, the more energized and joyful I'll be - not just in the moment, but for much more time to come.
Investing time with loved ones is like a charger. It recharges your life, your motivation, your aspirations, your whole being. Just like our phones need to be plugged in every day to make sure they're functioning at full capacity, I believe we, as human beings, also need to regularly "recharge". And, what better way to do it, than investing time with those we love. Many times investing quality time with family can seem like an unreachable event. We are constantly bombarded with external tasks that must be done - some include: work, career, business, school. And, that's not taking into account the tasks that must get done at home; picking up after the kids, scrubbing the toilets, vacuuming pet hair, changing bed sheets. The list can go on and on. Housework just never seems to end. Well, let me tell you about our cleaning service. You see, a house cleaning business is really not just about cleaning houses. A house cleaning business is a time-saving business. You pay to get more free time and the by-product of your payment is enjoying a clean house! Now, let me ask you: if you were to clean your house from top-to-bottom, how long would it take you? A couple of hours? A few hours? A whole week? Let me answer this question for you: it would probably take you a long time! Time that you could be investing with your loved ones. The investment you make by hiring a cleaning service like Juanita's House Cleaning is worth every penny! You see, by hiring a cleaning service you are investing in getting your home cleaned on a regular basis by experts who will be able to clean your home from top-to-bottom in much lesser time than you ever possibly could, PLUS you're getting time back because you won't have to do the cleaning yourself! Time that, like I mentioned, can be better invested recharging your life with energy and joy! If you're a current customer and have any feedback as to what we can do to improve the quality of our service, please feel free to let me know. You can contact me by clicking here! If you're still not a customer and would like more information as to how we can help you reach your goals of investing more time with your loved ones, then click the button below!
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September 2024